Right of Withdrawal / Model Withdrawal Form


Right of Withdrawal

Model Withdrawal Form


Right of Withdrawal (Download as PDF)


Right of revocation

If a product is unavailable, the Purchaser will immediately receive information with a later – as soon as possible – delivery deadline. Any additional delivery costs connected with the unavailability of an ordered product will be borne by the Seller. After receiving the delivery information, the Purchaser is free to decide whether to continue to adhere to the conclusion of the contract with the Seller, and whether to agree to part or subsequent delivery. The Purchaser may cancel his/her contractual declaration within 14 days in text format (i.e. mail, fax, e-mail) with no obligation to provide grounds for cancellation, or – if the Purchaser receive the item before the term expires – cancel by returning the item. The term will begin upon receipt of this information in text format, but not before the receiver receives the goods (not before receipt of the first part delivery in the case of recurring deliveries of similar goods) and also not before the Sellers information obligations are fulfilled under Section 246 clause 2 in connection with Section 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 EGBGB [introductory act to the German civil code] and our obligations under Section 312e paragraph 1 line 1 BGB in connection with Section 246 clause 3 EGBGB. Punctual submission of the cancellation or shipment of the items is sufficient for adherence to the cancellation period. The cancellation should be sent to the following address:

Königsee Implantate GmbH
Am Sand 4 / OT-Aschau
07426 Allendorf

Telephone +49 (0) 36738 498 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 36738 498 - 19
E-mail info@koenigsee-implantate.de

Consequences of Cancellation

In the case of effective cancellation, the performances received on both sides must be returned and any benefits drawn (i.e. interest) returned. If the Purchaser is unable to return the received performance to the Seller in full or in part, or only in degraded condition, the Purchaser will be forced to pay compensation to the Seller in this respect. This does not apply when transferring items if the deterioration of the item is solely attributable to its examination (which would have been possible in the store). Otherwise, the Purchaser can avoid becoming liable for compensation due to deterioration through proper usage of the item if he/her do not use the item as their own property, and elect to forego everything that would detract from the value of the item. Items which may be shipped in packages must be sent back at the Sellers own risk. The Purchaser must bear the costs of returning the item if the delivered items are the items ordered, and if the price of the items to be returned does not exceed EUR 50, or if the item is more expensive and the Purchaser havs not yet rendered consideration or a contractually agreed partial payment at the time of cancellation. Otherwise, returning the item will be free of charge to the Purchaser. Items which are to be sent back have to be package-ready for pick-up. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The term begins for the Purchaser upon sending either the item or a declaration of cancellation. For the Seller, it begins upon receipt of either of these.

End of the cancellation information.

Model Withdrawal Form

Our model withdrawal form as PDF document: DOWNLOAD

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